UAE Relaxes Islamic Laws for Personal Freedoms

UAE Relaxes Islamic Laws for Personal Freedoms The United Arab Emirates (which includes Dubai and Abu Dhabi) has announced major changes to the country’s Islamic personal laws. Allowing unmarried couples to live together, reducing alcohol restrictions and criminalising so-called “honour killings.” The reforms aim to boost the country’s economy, tourism and social standing and “consolidate […]

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Plane Aims to Cut Emissions

‘Greenliner’ Plane Aims to Cut Emissions On the 18th November 2019. Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways said it will be launching one of the world’s most fuel-efficient long-haul aircraft. Etihad’s “Greenliner” is a Boeing 787 Dreamliner that will make its first flight from Abu Dhabi to Brussels in January 2020. Etihad’s CEO Tony Douglas described the plane […]

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